
This is a way to showcase what I have in my inventory post 2004, whether it be freebies, hunts, sales, even new purchases. This is all in fun and done on my personal time as a hobby. My intentions were to make this simplified and to the point. Bolded text in credits are featured items, notice of events, or side comments, which will be rare.

My newest feature is mouseover on the brand name for more details on the item. In the future there might even be my personal input.

Credits do include the store SLURLs, on a separate page. If you see a store in credits but not on the SLURL page, it means the store is no longer available. If you have any questions concerning what I’m wearing, feel free to IM or send a notecard.

This isn’t considered a review blog, more like a style blog, but if you are interested in me including your products, hit me up an IM / notecard. I’ll answer any questions you have.

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